IBX5980432E7F390 Little Owl - Winster - Natural Wolrd

Little Owl - Winster

Whilst I've been away James came across a pair of Little Owls on his drive to work and I managed a trip out to see them this morning and fortunately one of the birds was sat out.
Owl populations in the area, apart from Tawny, fluctuate markedly from year to year. Barn is badly affected by prolonged cold spells with ground snow which can wipe them out completely. Long-eared's on the moor fluctuate with the vole and mice population whilst Short-eared appears now to be only a casual visitor. 
The Little Owl has disappeared from regular sites around Darley Dale and off the moor so there is only a regular pair I've featured in the Bakewell area and this new pair located by James but I do see them occasionally on Bonsall Moor and there is probably a reasonable population there, using the many old barns, some of which are provided with access for Little Owls.
In any case, it's always a treat to see any owls locally.
Little Owl

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